I just watched a couple of session by Charles Lamanna and Ryan Cunningham titled Empower your organization with the Microsoft Power Platform and Power Apps in 2020: What you should already be using and what’s still to come in 2020 respectively. Awesome two sessions that I highly recommend you watch.

Those sessions where filled with announcements. Here are the top 5 announcements so far (with 2 bonuses):
1- T-SQL endpoint to CDS data and PowerBI CDS direct query
The biggest announcements, in my opinion, first called by Chales Lamanna is the coming soon direct T-SQL endpoint that exposes direct access CDS data as well as the PowerBI direct query to CDS.

This is huge as the connection will enable live data querying, it will respect security roles, and it also execute the entire plugin pipeline. This capability bring up a huge range of options. More details about the feature in the link below.
2- Advanced offline capabilities for CDS apps are coming soon

3- Seamlessly integrate Canvas apps within model driven apps.
To date this has been in the form of controls. Soon the boundaries will be blured.

4- Convergence app for both Canvas and Model Driven
In the mobile space the Power Platform app that combines both Canvas Apps and Model Driven Apps is now in preview.

The preview app can be downloaded now for Android and iOS from the link below.
5- Debug and optimize
Debug and optimize with Power Apps Monitor to identify performance issues; coupled with application insight to get a better understand of how your solution is being used.

6- Mixed reality enhancements
MR enhancements using Power Apps controls. No code required to include MR into your apps. Just drag and drop your control onto your canvas and you’re up and running.

7- Interactive Azure maps
Interactive maps are now available for low code/NoCode integration

The virtual conference will be filled with many more announcements stays tuned and attend as many sessions live or recorded to learn more.